Crane Hire
Sherrington Lifting Services offer cranes under standard CPA conditions at a competitive daily rate, with a variety of cranes including Mobile Tower Cranes and all terrane cranes from 35t upwards.
Under the terms of the CPA Model Conditions for the Hiring of Plant, the safe operation of the crane and the safety and welfare of its operator are the customer’s responsibility.
The hirer’s and owners responsibilities are defined as follows:
The customer must:
- Carry out all work in accordance with BS 7121 and LOLER 1998.
- Provide a competent Appointed Person* who has the knowledge, experience and understanding of all aspects of the lifting operation.
- Provide a qualified and competent Slinger/Signaller.*
- Plan the lift and operate a safe system of work.
- Provide all Method Statements and Risk Assessments.
- Ensure that the crane hired is of a suitable type and capacity.
- Check the credentials of the crane hire company and certification supplied.
Sherrington Lifting Services Ltd. has a duty to:
- Provide a crane that is properly maintained, tested and certificated.
- Provide a competent* operator.
In addition, under standard CPA terms, the customer must provide the following insurance cover:
Loss of, or damage to, our plant whilst on site.
Loss of, or damage to, the goods being lifted.
Continuing hire charges whilst the plant is ‘off the road’ for repairs following damage.
Public liability, injury to operator, injury to other parties, including their property, arising from the crane operations.
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Operating In High Winds
All cranes have a maximum design wind speed for safe operation. When the wind speed exceeds this limit the crane must be taken out of service. Different types of crane, different models of the same type of crane and different configurations of the same model may operate with different maximum wind speeds. The operating wind speed for the crane will allow for
the load having a certain wind area; if this is exceeded then the working wind speed will need to be reduced (see the manufacturer’s manual for information on this).
Typical maximum operating wind speeds are:
Mobile Cranes 9.8 m/s (22 m.p.h.) Beaufort Scale 5
Proximity To Hazards
Hazards best avoided, where possible, include:
- Overhead electric lines
- Nearby structures
- Other cranes
- Railways
- Public access areas
- Airfields
Where any part of the crane or its load cannot be kept clear of these hazards, the appropriate authority, e.g. a local electricity supplier or Railtrack, must be consulted.
Danger from vaults or underground services must not be overlooked, and suitable precautions must be taken where they cannot be avoided.
Where the crane or its load passes closer than 600mm to an obstacle, effective precautions must be taken to avoid crushing, by preventing personnel accessing the area.
Where a crane is to be used within 15 metres plus the length of its jib, from overhead power lines on steel towers, (or 9 metres plus the length of the jib, from overhead lines on wood, concrete or steel poles) the guidance given in HSE Guidance Note GS6 must be followed.
Where a crane will work close to railway property (i.e. if it fell over and any part of it, or any load being lifted by it, could fall on railway property), consult the railway property owner and CPES.
If the crane is within 6 km of an airfield, and its height exceeds 10 m or that of the surrounding structures or trees, then the Appointed Person should seek the permission of the airfield manager before starting operations.
Ground conditions
Cranes have very high axel weights, and need good solid ground the same as a lorry would need. You will also need to make sure there are no sharp objects in the path of the crane when gaining access to the site.

Contact Us
Trident House, 105 Derby Road, Liverpool, L20 8LZ Company No' (11574889)
0151 440 2204
or 07790907429 (Call Out 24hrs) or